Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ivan Mestrovic

While in Split, I had the chance to tour an art gallery of a Croatian sculptor named Ivan Mestrovic. Many of his scultpures were amazing, but I want to show you two of them. The first was outside the gallery. It is a sculpture of the Cyclops, Polyphemus hurling a rock towards Odysseus' ships. It was spectacular!
The second is a statue outside Diocletian's palace. The local tradition is that if you rub the big toe of the statue and make a wish, the wish will come true. The tour guide warned that we needed to choose our wishes wisely, because it would come true. I will have to see if that is true.


  1. The statue of the cyclops is fascinating. Why do you suppose that Ivan chose to create the cyclops in a human form? Is the eye in the center of the forehead a type of symbolism of an all seeing God?

    Christine Burningham

    P.S. I hope your wish was a good one!

  2. Becky,
    Having just finished the first of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series I am loving your posts about your trip. I bet your students are as well! I love th sculpture of Cyclops...just how I imagined him :)
